Request for Religious Accommodation - SGT XXXX, XXXX, XXH EN CO
1. I request a religious accommodation to wear and maintain a beard in accordance with the standards provided in Army Regulation (AR) 600-20.
2. This request is based on the Norse Paganism cultural and spiritual beliefs that men should wear beards as a sign of both their masculinity and freedom. This belief is mentioned many times in the cultural and spiritual text of Norse paganism. Both the elder and younger Edda's (Norse Paganism spiritual texts) reference beards and their importance. A well-groomed and healthy beard is an important aspect of Norse paganism.
3. I understand that I must continue to comply with the uniform and grooming standards of AR 670-1 for non-accommodated Soldiers unless I am notified that my request is approved. If my request is disapproved, I understand I may continue to serve without an accommodation or I may request administrative separation. I also understand that an approved accommodation continues throughout my Army career, but may be suspended, modified, or revoked by appropriate authorities when required by military necessity.
4. The point of contact for this request is the undersigned at 719-XXX-XXXX or
1. I request a religious accommodation to wear and maintain a beard in accordance with the standards provided in Army Regulation (AR) 600- 20.
2. I request a religious accommodation for a waiver of Army Regulation (AR) 670-1 standards to wear and maintain a beard.
3. This request is based on my belief in Norse Heathenry. There are two primary pantheons in Norse Heathenry: Aesir and Vanir. The Aesir gods include Odin, Thor, and Tyr, while the Vanir gods are associated with fertility and nature. I honor three gods in my life: Odin, Thor, and Tyr. Odin is revered as the father and leader of the Aesir gods and is known for his wisdom. Thor embodies strength and Tyr embodies justice. I provide offerings to these gods which include food, herbs, and candles at an altar. I typically include statues of Odin, Thor, and Tyr, as well as a Yggdrasil tree, a sacred symbol of Norse mythology. Beards are viewed with reverence in Norse Heathen culture, and are considered a defining feature of the Norse. Every male god has a beard, which is associated with masculinity and being a Warrior and growing a beard will bring me closer to the Gods, allowing me to better identify with and reflect their image. It is an expression of my deep spirituality and an important part of my Norse identity. I will be able to identify more closely with my masculinity. If I continue to shave, I will not feel close to the gods and feel there will be separation. Also, I will not feel I identify with the gods. I will not feel that I am adequately pleasing the Gods and believe it would be shameful to not have a beard.
4. I understand that I must continue to comply with the uniform and grooming standards of AR 670-1 for non-accommodated Soldiers unless I am notified that my request is approved. If my request is disapproved, I understand I may continue to serve without an accommodation or I may request administrative separation. I also understand that an approved accommodation continues throughout my Army career, but may be suspended, modified, or revoked by appropriate authorities when required by military necessity.
5. The point of contact for this request is the undersigned at 719-XXX-XXXX or