Headquarters and Headquarters Company
1st Battalion, 72nd Armor, Camp Casey, ROK
APO AP 96224-5077
December 29, 2013
SUBJECT: Charge of Quarters and Runner Instructions
1. The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the duties, responsibilities, procedures and standards of conduct while performing the duties of the Charge of Quarters (CQ), and Charge of Quarters Runner (CQR).
2. The CQ is the representative of the Company Commander and the First Sergeant. Military bearing, common sense, and sound judgment will result in a successful tour of duty. The CQ is empowered to handle all situations that arise and is expected to take charge, make a decision and follow up with appropriate actions. To that end, the CQ and CQR will adhere to the special instructions in this memorandum.
3. Standards of conduct for the CQ and CQR set the tone for the entire barracks to follow. The uniform is ACU's unless otherwise directed for tasks such as painting, etc. Military courtesy is one of these standards. The Company is called to "attention" the first time the Company Commander or senior officer enters or leaves the building for the day. Similarly, "at ease" is called for the First Sergeant or senior NCO.
4. The CQ tour of duty is from 0900-0900. The oncoming CQ personnel will report to the CQ desk NLT 0845 in order to receive a brief and any special orders not included in these instructions from the outgoing CQNCO. CQ may read books or magazines and listen to the radio at a reasonable volume, as long as none of the material is offensive in nature. While on duty, CQ is not permitted to watch television or movies unless given permission from the First Sergeant or senior NCO.
5. CQ will check the halls, common areas, and storage areas every two hours. The exterior of the building, the CTAS, and the Company headquarters building will be checked every six hours. Unoccupied buildings will be locked. When checking the buildings, ensure all exterior doors are secured.
6. CQ will ensure that all unoccupied rooms in the barracks are locked, including any unassigned rooms. If any soldier needs the master key, they must be escorted by CQ to the door they need to unlock/lock. No resident may, for any reason, lock/unlock any room in which they are not an occupant.
7. Barracks cleanliness is the CQ's responsibility to enforce. If something is filthy, make the occupant of that room or the highest ranking resident of that floor clean it or designate someone to clean it. If that fails then it then becomes the responsibility of the CQ to clean the deficient areas.
8. Opposite genders may visit each other in the barracks between the hours of 0600 and 2300 but the door must remain open at least 12 inches at all times. Violators will be given only one opportunity to correct the infraction. A second offence will result in the expulsion of the guest and notification of the offence to the First Sergeant. Sexual acts of any kind are not allowed in the barracks. First Sergeant will be notified of any violation of this policy.
9. At NO time will there be members of the opposite sex lingering outside the doors of barracks residents. Failure to follow this instruction will be seen as harassment of the room occupants. Residents will not linger in any hallway of the barracks.
10. All occupants of the barracks may utilize the laundry room. Cleanliness of the facilities is everyones responsibility. Residents must clean up after themselves. Residents are not authorized to use the laundry room between the hours of 0200-0500 while curfew is in effect. All laundry must be removed prior to 0200 hrs. Failure to comply will result in the confiscation of the items and annotation in the CQ log.
11. There will be no sexually explicit material displayed in any area where it can be viewed by others. Soldiers are authorized to own legal pornography but it may not be out where others can see it.
12. CQ will annotate any known or suspected acts of sexual assault or harassment and notify the proper authorities. CQ has the authority to detain the perpetrator using the least amount of force necessary without placing themselves in lethal danger.
13. The CQ and the CQR will read everything in the CQ instruction book each time they assume duty. ALL DISCREPANCIES will be resolved before the outgoing CQ is relieved of his/her duty. The CQ will annotate on DA Form 1594 indicating that they have read and understand all instructions and and duties expected of them. Any questions should be directed to the First Sergeant immediately.
14. At 1800 the CQ will call the SDNCO and get the names of the SDO and SDNCO. These names will be annotated on the DA Form 1594.
15. It is CQ responsibility to maintain the public bathroom and to ensure that it is stocked at all times.
16. CQ, as an NCO and the Commanders representative, has the full authority of the UCMJ to quell all disturbances, violations, and disputes within the bounds of the company area. This includes the use of force so long as it is the least amount of force necessary to restore good order and discipline.
17. Extra duty personnel, if any, will report directly to the CQ. They will work until 2359hrs each night and on a weeknight and from 0500-2359hrs on a weekend unless the CO or 1SG direct otherwise. Whenever possible their duties are to assist in the cleanliness, maintenance, and good order of the company and its buildings. They will complete any tasks given to them by the CO or 1SG and continue to be gainfully employed. Otherwise, they will do whatever seems profitable, legal and ethical to the CQ
18. CQ will answer the phone in the following way: "Headquarters and Headquarters Company, First Tank CQ, this is {Rank, Name}, how may I help you sir or ma'am?" The CQ phone is a vital part of the alert dissemination system and the length of phone calls must be kept to a minimum. Personal phone calls are not authorized at any time.
19. At no time will any food delivery personnel be allowed past the CQ desk. They are to call the resident to come and receive their delivery from CQ.
20. The CQ desk will be manned at all times. At no time will both the CQNCO and CQR be absent from the desk at the same time. Duties that require either the CQNCO or CQR be elsewhere, such as security checks, escort duty, chow, or other essential business, will be taken in shifts to ensure constant desk coverage. Whenever possible, CQ will take their meals at the CQ desk. In the event of a building evacuation, the CQ will ensure that the building is evacuated or will direct emergency personnel to any known or suspected occupants trapped in the building.
21. Sleeping while on duty is not authorized.
22. The uniform while on CQ will be complete ACU's. Removal of the ACU top is not authorized.
23. Alcohol consumption is not authorized during the CQ tour or eight hour prior to assuming duty.
24. CQ will maintain a current log and will annotate all significant acts to include CQ, staff duty, leader checks, injuries, work orders, significant damage, visitors to the barracks, assumption of duty, completion of duty, and anything else that CQ deems significant. Any injuries will be reported to the First Sergeant immediately.
25. Visitors to the barracks will be annotated on the DA Form 1594. Visitors must be signed in by the resident in which they are visiting and must be signed out by that resident before the end of visitation hours. Visitors will provide CQ with information regarding the room in which they will be in, personal phone number, and their unit CQ phone number (if applicable).
26. CQ will verify the age of all visitors to the barracks. Guests must be 18 years of age or older unless accompanied by their guardian or they are the children of the resident.
27. Quiet hours are from 2200-0500. No excessively loud music or sounds are allowed during that period. Excessively loud is defined as loud enough to be heard from the hallway or another room with the door closed OR if it impedes one roommate's reasonable ability to sleep. If a resident fails to be quiet after CQ's correction, the matter will be referred to the First Sergeant.
28. The following are immediately reportable to the First Sergeant:
a) Any detained or arrested soldier
b) Any alcohol related misconduct, anywhere
c) Any curfew violation
d) A Red Cross message
e) A lost ID card
f) Any fights
g) Any non-inconsequential injury
h) Any flight from the barracks (restricted personnel)
i) Any AWOL
29. Upon receipt of a Red Cross message, the CQ will log the complete message, including the name of sender and contact information. After receipt of the message, call the Red Cross back to confirm it is not a fraudulent message. Notify the First Sergeant or Commander first and allow the chain of command to notify the soldier. Only if it is an extreme emergency and the chain of command is absolutely not available will the CQ notify the individual and will subsequently notify the Commander or First Sergeant as soon as humanly possible.
30. Open flames are not allowed in the barracks at any time. Smoking is not allowed in or within fifty feet of any building entrance to include fire escapes.
31. Lights will be turned off in unoccupied areas such as the gym and laundry room. Residents must ensure the lights are turned off when leaving their rooms.
32. Inspectors, contractors, and workmen will be escorted throughout the building at all times unless the Building Manager, Commander, First Sergeant, or Company Executive Officer authorizes it.
33. In closing, remember that you are an outsider's first impression of Headhunters Company. Maintain your discipline, integrity, composure, and professionalism at all times. When in doubt, contact the SDNCO and First Sergeant.
34. The POC for this action is the undersigned at 010-9999-8888.