Leads NCOER Bullets

Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence, Leads by example, Communication

See also: Air Force Leadership EPR Bullets

See also: Navy Leadership Eval Examples

o supervised 4 personnel to ensure 27 pieces of different types of CESE were cleaned and prepared to ensure readiness for inspection resulting in 0 failed inspections

o demonstrated outstanding initiative and adaptability by seamlessly taking over multiple key positions within the S4 shop

o maintained open communication with Soldiers and provided clear guidance to accomplish daily tasks

o ensured 100% of assigned personnel qualified on individual/crew served weapons with over 50% firing expert

o confidently performed PL duties in addition to his own for 100 days while PL position was unfilled, effectively serving and fulfilling both roles

o ushered in major improvements to the unit's administrative processes and was a key member of the leadership team responsible for changing the culture and identity of the Signal Company for the better

o delegated effectively and empowered subordinates; his trust in his soldiers resulted in the most competent and fearless technicians in the unit

o took over as Platoon Sergeant, demonstrating excellent leadership skills; with his knowledge and experience, his platoon accomplished or exceeded platoon and company goals

o provided leadership and knowledge that was reflected in a successful field and tactical operation; adapted to any situation given to him

o filled the position of section sergeant, which is a position above his rank; led the platoon with confidence and precision and exceeded expectations and standards

o maintained open communication with Soldiers and gave adequate guidance to accomplish their daily tasks

o led his dismounted squad during the Troop section live fire; utilized feedback to enhance and improve himself and section

o excellent leadership; understands soldier care and is willing to do what it takes for the unit to succeed

o delegated effectively and empowered subordinates; produced over 50 confident and capable Unit Movement Officers

o taught multiple TC AIMS classes qualifying over 40 Soldiers; all Companies were prepared to execute NTC deployment operations

o balanced mission and training requirements; inspired Soldiers to further their careers while simultaneously preparing them for follow-on assignments

o created and implemented the company's Female Mentorship Program; coached, taught and mentored over 20 female Soldiers monthly

o selected over 30 senior NCOs to develop, organize, and execute battalion level NCOPD on Army Customs, Courtesies, and Traditions

o built relationships with sister branches; increased personnel resources and eliminated Section delays

o encouraged Soldiers to take initiative applying leader competencies and attributes; enabled forward thinking, involvement, and problem solving

o trained four Range Safety's on proper weapons adjustment and identify posture during IWQ; expedited time lines for the 230th XX XX and subordinate units

o recognized by CSM for maintaining composure during CLS and TCCC FTX; provided combatant care while clearing a tri-level building

o advised 20 couriers, one team lead, and the PPV Branch chief on transportation, maintenance procedures and policies on fleet management

o conducted courier team meetings to enhance performance, communication, and accountability; resulted in 60% mission improvement

o took necessary actions to ensure that Soldiers concerns and needs are addressed and resolved allowing for increased trust

o was the NCOIC at the M240B and M249 Machine Gun range, trained and evaluated 50 Soldiers

o volunteered on many occasions to teach impromptu medical classes to subordinates

o seized opportunities to illustrate her point; turned mistakes into learning events

o contacted Navy leadership to investigate chronic failures at Bahrain Tech Control; established communication, poised for improvement

o faced an unpopular but necessary decision and persuaded team to support it

o raised an inherited unsatisfactory supply section to a commendable rating within a month for the BN CIP

o delegated effectively and empowered subordinates; produced most effective and mature technicians in the bn

o took an inherited unsatisfactory section to a commendable rating at JRTC

o conducted review before event; led platoon to achieve a 100% first time go on M16 qualification

o confident leader that worked with senior level leaders to quickly solve complex issues that impact daily installation BCT operations

o inspects her soldiers' individual weapons regularly and provides on the spot corrections where needed

o focused on Soldiers' well-being and development and resisted abusing the privilege of being in charge

o tactful leader and motivator with the ability to overcome difficult challenges

o motivated three soldiers to achieve Soldier of the Quarter

o empowered and developed Soldiers by removing all obstacles to their efforts and trusting them with critical tasks

o demonstrated patience and the ability to articulate clearly so all soldiers understand the training event

o mentored and trained two Soldiers to receive promotion recommendations and advancement to the next level of responsibility

o always took initiative to ensure all mission requirements were achieved

o demonstrated outstanding leadership skills as team chief; increased productivity by 40%

o developed creative management initiatives

o leads by example, led team into Iraq to recover a downed Air Force pilot during Desert Storm

o counseled 21 students through rating period, 100% graduated, 3 honored

o performed leadership duties in a decisive and positive manner with exceptional results

o actively leads AIT soldiers physical development and trains to excel in Common Task Skills

o demanded the best training environment for soldiers; accepted nothing less than quality results

o led PT failures to 90 percent first time go on APFT

o ensured 100% of assigned personnel qualified on individual/crew served weapons with over 50% firing expert

o trained and deployed half the team as a separate unit and then quickly integrated with other unit members; a true team player

o led platoon to Distinguished Marksmanship Platoon honors during annual battalion shooting competition

o motivated squad to place first in the 9 mile road march during company level squad competition

o led company to current first place standing in Post Commanders Cup intramural sports competition

o inspired NCOs to excellence; 26 soldiers received the CINC EUSA Distinguished Leadership Award

Leadership Course

o initiated a lateral transfer of a food storage container valued at $27K to one of the FOS locations to support AAFES' ability to support the Soldiers

o succeeded in the daunting task of leading a senior Brigade staff through an Annual Training period with elements scattered throughout Fort Indiantown Gap

o provided opportunities for junior Soldiers to excel; delegated effectively and expanded section capability by 40%

o motivated his soldiers to perform to the best of their ability as individuals and as a squad

o inspired self-improvement and confidence in subordinates

o demonstrated sound and mature judgment and confident patience

o committed to providing the best quality of life for soldiers

o outstanding motivator of soldiers; inspired platoon to consistently exceed standards

o mentored one soldier to become I Corp PLDC honor graduate

o demonstrated sincere care for soldiers by inspiring and developing performance through counseling

o influenced soldiers to accomplish all assigned missions

o mentored one NCO to be nominated for membership into Sergeant Audie Murphy Board

o a real leader, gives 110 percent; demands soldiers' best and looks out for their needs

o demonstrated outstanding leadership skills as team chief

o self sacrificing; a real team player

o implemented program to increase leaders confidence as Convoy Protection Platform Commanders

o routinely sought by other NCOs for advice and guidance

o developed soldiers through positive counseling, coaching, and mentoring

o his devotion to duty is always evident

o instilled a mission-first attitude; motivates entire unit to do the same

o inspired unit to consistently exceed training standards

o always placed mission first; unquestionable devotion to duty

o sought perfection; accomplished all duties with great accuracy and timeliness

o sets high standards and promotes excellence

o displays genuine concern for soldiers

o outstanding as a squad leader; an E-6 position

o directly responsible for supervising the unit's orderly room; received commendable rating during Cl

Needs Improvement

o Soldier was AWOL during rating period and missed the opportunity to lead other soldiers, limited soldier's skill progression and unit's operational capabilities

o pointed out leadership faults in front of peers and subordinates resulting in a continued, already toxic work environment

o led only when directed to; needs to take initiative for leading Soldiers he is responsible for

o failed to seek clarifying guidance when faced with a difficult task; unable to communicate his need for assistance during adversity

o pointed out subordinate faults continually resulting in a toxic work environment

o led only when directed to; needed to take initiative for leading Soldiers he is responsible for

o adversely affected the state of readiness by not having personnel and vehicle information ready prior to SP

o incapable of conducting recruiting duties during the majority of the rated period; removed from a position of special trust

o Soldier did not advocate for nor take advantage of any leadership opportunities; actively avoided such challenges

o set one of the worst examples of leadership in the Unit and was generally distrusted by seniors, peers, and subordinates

o negatively affected Unit retention numbers; Soldiers that worked with him often went AWOL or would not reenlist because of his conduct

o NCO was a corrosive leader who undermined Unit discipline, created a toxic work environment, and reduced Unit cohesion and effectiveness

o took advantage of his position as NCOIC to consistently be late for duty

o delegated responsibility for operations to a dishonest NCO who falsified reports to make the detachment appear to accomplish more than they did

o reported false accomplishments to the commander in order to make the det appear to be better than all other detachments

o alienated Soldiers with integrity who pointed out inaccurate reports and claims; discouraged honesty and jeopardized the mission

o forbade communication by subordinates with outside agencies by phone or e-mail

o encouraged Soldiers to take advantage of the government disability program by documenting false or borderline physical ailments

o as Det Chief, forced his captive audience to listen to his personal political views on a daily basis; wasted time and resources and lowered morale and productivity

o set poor example by sexually harrassing visiting female reps from outside agencies

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