Equal Opportunity (EO) Advisor
Duty Descriptions

Equal Opportunity Advisor
Advises Garrison Commander on matters pertaining to EO; provides essential services for over 2,000 Soldiers, DA Civilians and Family members assigned to 47 tenant organizations; advises commanders at all levels in areas of EO, climate assessments and complaint resolution; conducts staff assistance visits, collects and analyzes statistical data and overseas implementation of EO Actions Plans; articulates and complies with DoD and DA policies and directives concerning EO; responsible for program budget and office equipment; plans and conducts EO Leader Certification Courses; maintains 24 hour EO assistance hotline.

Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA)
Serves as the United States Army Hawaii (USARHAW) and 25th Infantry Division (25ID) Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA) for over 30,000 Soldiers, DoD Civilians and Family members; assists in the implementation of EO policies and regulations; USARHAW Equal Opportunity Leaders Course (EOLC) lead facilitator; receives and processes EO complaints; collects, organizes, and analyses Command Climate Survey's critical data; conducts Staff Assistance Visits (SAVs) to subordinate Brigades/units; oversees the implementation of monthly of USARHAW Special and Ethnic Observances; oversees and manages section's budget consisting of over $20,000.

Lead Equal Opportunity Advisor
Senior Noncommissioned Officer serving as the lead enlisted Equal Opportunity Advisor to the Commanding General, both in garrison and forward deployed locations in direct support of more than 26,000 Soldiers in 20 different countries; accountable for the effective oversight and execution of EO policy enforcement, training and guidance; responsible for the accurate reporting of trends analysis as it pertains to discrimination, and fair and equitable treatment of others throughout the command/region; responsible for the professional/interpersonal development and welfare of ten Equal Opportunity Advisors (EOAs).

Equal Opportunity Advisor
Serves as the 7th Infantry Division Equal Opportunity Advisor to the Division Commander on all matters pertaining to 20,000 Soldiers on EO; formulates overall 7th Infantry Division Equal Opportunity plans and policies; conducts annual Staff Assistance and Assessments visits (SAAV) to subordinate units; responsible for training and daily operations of Equal Opportunity Representative Courses; inspects unit EO compliancy through the Division Organizational Inspection Program; tracks and provides DA EO database input; prepares, analyzes, and submits Quarterly Narrative & Statistical Reports to FORSCOM.

Division Equal Opportunity (EO) Advisor
Serves as a Division Equal Opportunity (EO) Advisor; assists in the implementation of the EO program; receives and processes complaints; conducts staff assistance visits to subordinate brigades/units; and disseminates EO policies and guidance to over 20,000 Soldiers and Family members within the 10th Mountain Division (LI); coordinates and instructs the 80 hour Division Equal Opportunity Leaders Course; quarterly collects, organizes, and interprets demographic EO data to determine inequitable management practices; plans, coordinates, and implements all division-level ethnic observances to include requisitioning guest speakers.

Division Equal Opportunity (EO) Advisor
Serves as the Division Equal Opportunity (EO) Operations NCO and EO Advisor; assists in the implementation of the EO program; receives and processes complaints; conducts staff assistance visits to subordinate brigades/units; and disseminates EO policies and guidance to over 20,000 Soldiers and Family members within the 10th Mountain Division (LI); coordinates and instructs the 60-80-hour Division Equal Opportunity Leaders Course; quarterly collects, organizes, and interprets demographic EO data to determine inequitable management practices; plans, coordinates, and implements all division-level ethnic observances to include requisitioning guest speakers.

Division Equal Opportunity (EO) Advisor
Serves as an Equal Opportunity NCOIC a Combined Joint Task Forc deployed to Kandahar Afganistan; assists in the implemetation of the EO program; receives and processes complaints; conduct staff assistance visits to subordinate Task Forces and Sustainment commands; disseminate EO policies and guidance to over 17,400 Soldier, Sailors, Air Force personnel, Navy personnel, and civilians; coordinates and instructs a 40 hour Equal Opportunity Leaders and a 20 hour Unit Victim Advocate Course; plans, coordinates, and implements ethnic observances to include requistioning guest speakers; quarterly collects, organizes, and interprets demographic EO data in a CJTF.

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