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See also: Billeting Representative NCOER Bullets
See also: Air Force Dormitory Manager EPR Bullets
See also: Navy Barracks Manager Evaluations
o meticulously managed the barracks and fostered a safe, clean, and well-organized living environment, promoting high morale and unit cohesion
o served as Floor NCO for the barracks; ensured the floor was kept clean and made room keys for Soldiers
o in-processed over 100 soldiers and assigned appropriate level quarters in barracks
o submitted, followed up on, and resolved 177 workorders; restored security and quality of life
o recoded numerous door pads; saved over $2,000 in contractor calls
o responded to 20 after-hours lock outs; maintained around-the-clock, prompt service
o established the Barracks Program and OI for the entire battalion
o identified and corrected numerous deficiencies within the Electronic Military Housing online system
o led the annual ISR Inspection from IMCOM for installation; resulted in unit receiving $1.1M in funding for future facilities upgrades
o remained flexible and cooperative under any condition; adapted well working with Civilian contractors and locksmiths during non-duty hours for emergency services
o conducted in-processing of 753 Soldiers into the barracks from eight redeployments; facilitated an efficiently swift reunion of Soldiers to their loved ones
o coordinated monthly maintenance inspections that led to $900k worth of repairs to facilities during FY14 and FY15; ensured living quarters were safe and functional
o fostered an environment of fair treatment, awareness and resiliency in the shop by fully supporting and participating in the Army SHARP, EO and MRT programs
o standardized operating procedures for the barracks management team; resulted in team being recognized by the FSBP area managers as top notch amongst peers
o mentored and trained six Barracks Inspectors from two brigades to work in sync by proficiently utilizing standards, discipline and values as foundation of success
o instilled team to provide the utmost courtesy to all ranks; received the highest customer service rating out of ten barracks management teams on the installation
o always called upon by management of FSBP for assistance in identifying living spaces for Soldiers attending courses on installation; saved the government $ 44K
o spearheaded recycling program SOP for the brigade; FSBP adapted the program setting the standard across the installation
o selected as the FSBP Fire Marshal and R&U representative; swiftly initiated facility upgrades and increased safety for Soldiers in Single Soldier's quarters
o processed more than 200 service orders in order to maintain a high standard of living for the unit's billets increasing morale for Soldiers to accomplish the unit's mission
o ensured the maintenance and serviceability of all equipment valued at over $2.6 million dollars in 1066 barracks room
o inventoried and kept accountability for 858 keys valued at over $22,000 ensuring Soldiers access while maintaining their safety in the barracks
o identified deficiencies, submitted and tracked over 1200 service orders in his assigned area of responsibility
o commended by a BN CSM for his excellent customer service because of his fast response time, dedication to duty, and his problem solving abilities
o performed 526 barracks rooms inspections, ensured that new Soldiers were provided outstanding living accommodations and furnishings
o managed and maintained three barracks buildings valued at over $139 million dollars
o NCO is curently a SGT but performing in a SSG role (13B30)
o in-processed over 200 soldiers into barracks, round-the-clock availability, eased Soldier transition
o submitted 154 workorders; preemptive identification and management prevented loss of living spaces
o instilled a sense of teamwork while programming for barracks renovations and improvements
o fail-safe storgae of dozens of door codes/performed 30 after-hours lockout calls
o maintained ready access to 1113 living spaces
o leaned forward, vastly improved support for transient personnel assigned to Patch Barracks
o implemented comprehensive in-process briefing on responsibilties and reduced charges for missing or damaged room furniture during out-processing by 50%
o one-stop room clearing, streamlined out-processing
o eagerness and unmatched dedication led to the success of numerous Camp Darby Military Community functions
o coordinated daily escorts for maintenance contractors; drew from all units to prevent undue burden on Soldier residents
o maintained room key issue logs and operated door lock programmers
o provided weekly status reports for Single Soldier housing statistics
o his earnest involvement in the Camp Darby Best Warrior Competition ensured all NCOs were highly trained and motivated
o donated over 100 after-duty hours to move unaccompanied Single Soldier Housing Office to its new location
o stepped up and organized the Spanish Heritage, Asian Pacific and Black History Month celebrations
o volunteered to assist in the administrative processing required to redeploy Task Force Odin soldiers
o prepared and routed Vehicle Memos and HHG Memos so that redeployed soldiers could claim their personal goods upon return
o worked closely with Chain of Command to ensure all returning soldiers would have adequate billeting immediately upon arrival
o conducted weekly safety/sanitation inspections; guaranteed safe living environment, passed 100% Public Health inspections
o solicited and corrected all issues with room and trailor assignments
o worked with Chain of Command to create informative redeployment packets that streamlined barracks out-processing
o improved move-in inventory to more accurately assist checkout; reduced or prevented charges for damages not caused by occupant