Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Examples

See also: Equal Opportunity Advisor NCOER Bullets

See also: U.S. Navy Diversity Committee Eval Examples

See also: Air Force Equal Opportunity Program Examples

See also: Air Force Equal Opportunity Performance Report Examples

o promoted good order and discipline at all times in the workcenter; strengthened work climate, morale, and productivity

o provided brilliant diversity management training to over 130 Officers and NCOs during the Equal Opportunity Leader's Course

o delivered training to both enlisted and officers for Army Pride and Professionalism, Equal opportunity and indoctrination of new Soldiers

o commended by the Commanding General for planning and executing an exceptional Women's Equality Day Observance; increased awareness of women's contribution

o maintained a harmonious working environment; increased communication between the ranks and increased overall satisfaction at work

o worked with eight unit EO Advisors and four EOLs to ensure current regulations and policies were on hand; ensured standards and procedures were being enforced

o spearheaded the company's EO program by utilizing his vast knowledge to increase cultural awareness within the unit maintaining a high state of morale and readiness

o organized and oversaw unit's Asian American celebration; promoted knowledge and understanding of racial diversity

o led by example and encouraged equal treatment of and opportunity for all section members

o climate assessment results demonstrated improved morale and increased understanding of and support for Army policies

o ensured exceptional crew conduct during two deployments which promoted favorable international relations

o encouraged subordinates to remain mindful of the Army EEO, Diversity, and Anti-Harassment policies and to report acts of discrimination

o successfully created, administered, and reveiwed command climate surveys for 388th med bn and downtrace units

o conducted focus group sessions to enhance communication and unit cohesion

o led classes on preventing/recognizing sexual harrasment, equal opportunity, consideration of others, perception, and communication ensuring a eo friendly environment for all soldiers

o worked with eo advisor to ensure current regulations and policies were on hand and available to the soldiers

o led by example, fostered most united team in Battalion; battalion had least reported EO incidents in division

o established 214th CBS-T Equal Opportunity presence throughout Southern Afghanistan as Division Equal Opportunity Advisor

o encouraged and practiced exemplary Equal Opportunity and contributed to the high morale of the section

o proactive specialist in equal opportunity and diversity; admired for high standards and fair treatment

o relayed platoon's deep concerns to chain of command, cleared misunderstanding, improved morale

o embraced the role of primary EO Advisor, coordinated many ethnic/special observances, instructed equal opportunity leaders course

o mature leader; instructed at Senior NCO Seminar and clarified Commander's policies and increased Battalion-wide knowledge of Equal Opportunity

o created and promoted recreational activities marking minority obervances and celebrating diversity for Kandahar Airfield

o facilitated three command equal opportunity climate surveys; produced candid and productive responses which exposed perceptions of favoritism which were then addressed to restore harmony

o led by example and encouraged equal treatment and opportunity for all Soldiers; climate assessment indicated improved morale and increased understanding of and support for Army policies

o ensured the Equal Opportunity programs for both the 214th CBS-T, and all subordinate and sister units ran smoothly

o supported the implementation of the Knowledge Management Committee that organized the 214th CBS-T portal used by the downtrace and associate units

o served on the 214th CBS-T awards board as a regular member, reviewed awards command-wide, presented over 140 awards

o developed and conducted in-processing briefing for newly arrived soldiers

o provided policy letters and guidance to units in the downtrace and outside of the 214th for establishing EO boards

o served as the EO Advisor for the Joint Sustainment Command, Afghanistan, fostered an atmosphere of understanding, trust, and tolerance

o produced the most professional mixed-gender working environment I've ever seen; zero sexual harrassment issues

o taught and practiced exemplary Equal Opportunity and contributed to the high morale of the crew

o demonstrated professional competence and knew when to step in and take action on community perceptions that affected the team

o organized and oversaw Post's Asian American celebration; promoted knowledge and understanding of racial diversity


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