MOS 66 Nurse Officer Corps OER Examples

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- Headed a controlled drug inventory for 16 sections within her nursing organization in Korea

- Worked within the scope of the nursing practice and utilized all aspects of the Nurse Case Manager process to meet or exceed Soldiers' medical needs

- Devoted 60 plus hours weekly to analyze and improve day operations and provide satisfactory patient experiences

- Lead RN for 88 shifts, oversaw 36 births, 266 inpatients, 54 triages worth $210,000

- Covered 1,200 on-call hours, performed five peer reviews, attended 110 hours of training courses

- Identified three postpartum hemorrhages, initiated emergency protocols, alerted staff; prompt action saved mothers' lives

- Orchestrated neonatal/delivery sim lab; enhanced training and increased readiness

- Instructed resuscitation skills to 18 first responders which expanded emergency capabilities

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